How the stamping die is assembled

2021-04-06 管理员 Read 1052

After all the parts of the stamping die are processed, assembly operations are required. The assembly must be strictly in accordance with the specifications. If the assembly is not as required, the mold may be easily damaged during mold trial, causing irreparable losses.

1. After the stamping die is assembled, first measure whether its overall height meets the design requirements. If there is a height, you should carefully check the reason.

2 The fit clearance between the guide post and the guide sleeve should meet the design requirements, and all parts should be uniform.

3. After the guide post and guide sleeve are transferred into the upper and lower concave and convex molds, their axis lines must be perpendicular to the end faces of the concave and convex molds, and the end faces of the upper and lower concave and convex molds are parallel.

4. After the mold base is assembled, observe whether the upper mold base slides smoothly along the guide post.

5. After the mold handle is installed in the upper mold base, its axis must be perpendicular to the end surface of the punch, and the error should not exceed 0.05mm.

6. After the guide post is installed, it should be 1-2mm away from the lower end of the die base under normal circumstances. If you choose B guide bushing, the distance from the upper end of the punch die base should also be 1-2mm.

7. The matching clearance between the concave and convex molds is uniform and consistent, which meets the design requirements.